Report – Stealer Logs, Single Sign On, and the New Era of Corporate Cybercrime

Journaux des voleurs, authentification unique et nouvelle ère de la cybercriminalité en entreprise

Introduction How many credentials do you have saved in your browser? How many form fills? How many credit cards? These may seem like innocuous questions, but the advent of infostealer malware makes them all too relevant. Infostealer variants such as RedLine, Raccoon, and Vidar infect computers and steal the browser fingerprint, which contains all of […]

Report – The Legal Cyberthreat Landscape

Ransomware attacks have increased by more than 100% across all industries from 2022 to 2023. The legal sector is especially at risk due to the sensitive nature of information that law firms hold.  Our research into how at-risk law firms are with two primary measures: Learn more about changes to legal risk over time and […]

Report – Stealer Logs & Corporate Access

Stealer Logs et accès d'entreprise

There’s been a surge of infostealer malware variants such as RedLine, Aurora, Raccoon, Vidar, and more, over the last few years. As described in the name, this type of malware steals information from the devices they infect. To better understand the threat of infostealer malware, we analyzed trends of 19.6 million stealer logs such as: […]

Video – Securing Patient Data: Challenges & Opportunities for Healthcare Cybersec in 2023

webinaire sur la cybersécurité des soins de santé

Le secteur de la santé est à la croisée des progrès numériques et des cybermenaces croissantes. Avec les coûts de violation les plus élevés depuis une décennie (dépassant les 10 millions de dollars en moyenne !), les soins de santé s'imposent comme une cible privilégiée pour les cyber-adversaires. Matthew Anderson, président-directeur général de Santé Ontario, et Norman Menz, PDG de Flare, analysent la manière dont le secteur des soins de santé […]

Video – Threat Intelligence & Geopolitical Risk in 2023

Renseignements sur les menaces et risques géopolitiques en 2023

Deep dive into geopolitics and threat intelligence as we navigate the cybersecurity currents of 2023. Former Director of Counterintelligence at the White House National Security Council Holden Triplett speaks about his past experiences in the field (including in FBI Counterintelligence) with Flare’s VP of Marketing Eric Clay. The highlights of Holden’s career learnings include:  Learn […]

Report – Dissecting the Dark Web Stealer Malware Lifecycle with the MITRE ATT&CK Framework

Le côté droit de l'image a un raton laveur dessiné avec un fond mystérieux noir et rouge. Sur la droite se trouve un fond bleu marine foncé. En haut se trouve un ovale rouge avec le texte "Rapport" et en dessous se trouve le texte blanc "Dissecting the Dark Web Stealer Malware Lifecycle with the MITRE ATT&CK Framework". En dessous se trouve le texte blanc "En savoir plus" avec une flèche rouge pointant vers le bas.

Stealer malware is a type of Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that infects computers, then extracts sensitive information, which threat actors then sell. The final malicious actor in the stealer malware supply chain can take advantage of the stealer logs to facilitate account takeover attacks, financial fraud, and ransomware.  Learn more about the stealer malware lifecycle:

Protection contre les risques numériques : le guide complet

Fond bleu dégradé. Il y a un ovale orange clair avec le texte blanc « BLOG » à l'intérieur. En dessous se trouve le texte blanc : « Protection contre les risques numériques : le guide complet ». Il y a un texte blanc en dessous qui dit « En savoir plus » avec une flèche orange clair pointant vers le bas.

Cybersecurity no longer stops at the network boundary. The past decade has seen the proliferation of online threats, many of which companies are entirely unaware of. Users’ credentials are sold on the dark web to facilitate account takeover schemes, sensitive customer data is leaked or traded for bitcoin, and companies regularly lose highly sensitive technical […]

Surveillance des risques numériques : une introduction rapide

Fond bleu dégradé. Il y a un ovale orange clair avec le texte blanc « BLOG » à l'intérieur. En dessous se trouve le texte blanc : « Qu'est-ce que la surveillance des risques numériques ? » Il y a un texte blanc en dessous qui dit « En savoir plus » avec une flèche orange clair pointant vers le bas.

It’s no secret that cyber threats are proliferating. In just the past 12 months, major ransomware attacks such as against Colonial Pipeline and against the U.S. meat industry have resulted in significant real-world impacts. At the same time major software providers such as Solarwinds have been the victim of large scale compromises. To counter the […]

Qu'est-ce que la surveillance de domaine ?

qu'est-ce que la surveillance de domaine

Have you ever received an email from a colleague but in your gut felt that something was off? The spelling or grammar in the body of the message may have looked off, or the signature line different from past emails. Your spam filter may have even caught the email and flagged it as a potential […]

Dark Web vs Deep Web: What’s the Difference?

Web profond vs Web sombre

Like billions of others, you probably use the Internet to find answers, buy consumer goods, communicate with others, enjoy leisure activities, and meet your professional responsibilities. But how much do you really know about this vast, modern-day version of the Library of Alexandria? For example, are you aware that the Internet you use is the […]