Creusez dans le Dark Web avec Flare : Jouez à CTF

CTF Le texte Capturer les menaces en orange sur un fond bleu foncé. Il y a un homme de dessin animé avec un logo Flare sur sa chemise tenant un filet.

Have you heard about Flare’s CTF: Capture the Threats? We created this game so players can further sharpen their skills in exploring the darker corners of the cyber world to stop malicious actors.  The game includes four categories: credential leaks, illicit markets (dark web and social media), open web (GitHub, paste, and buckets), and IP/domain, […]

Ce que Flare a cuisiné en 2022

The left side of the image has a yellow bubble that says "BLOG" with blue text underneath "What Flare Has Been Cooking in 2022." The right side has a graphic of a dark kitchen with a black board listing "What Flare Has Been Cooking in 2022."

Nous avons beaucoup travaillé l'année dernière. Jetez un coup d'œil aux épices, assaisonnements et condiments dans la cuisine pour en savoir plus sur ce que nous avons préparé chez Flare en 2022. Restez à l'écoute pour voir ce qui nous attend en 2023 ! Cliquez sur chaque élément du tableau dans la cuisine pour lire […]

Glossaire de la protection contre les risques numériques (DRP)

Glossaire DRP

We are aware of the information overload and wealth of technical terms that may sometimes be confusing. To make it easier to understand industry terminology, we came up with some definitions of some of the most popular cybersecurity concepts. DRP In its 2020 report titled “Emerging Technologies: Critical Insights in Digital Risk Protection Services,” Gartner […]

Réduction du bruit et hiérarchisation : la taille unique ne convient pas à tous

réduction du bruit et priorisation

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, what one considers undesirable is likely specific to the listener. Or, at least, that is the unwritten rule in several situations, one of which seems to have so far been the threat landscape monitoring tools industry. The endless war against alert fatigue In the infosec community, talking about […]

Comment atténuer les risques de fuites de jetons

risques de fuites de jetons

Access tokens are used in token-based authentication and allow users to access a website, an application or API. After verifying their identity, the user has no need to re-enter their credentials for the lifetime of the token, as the token serves as their entry ticket. When they are created, tokens are granted a defined scope […]

Pourquoi votre équipe devrait se préoccuper des seaux qui fuient sur Internet

seaux qui fuient CTI

Since its inception in March 2006, AWS cloud storage option, also referred to as S3 (Simple Storage Service), has generated keen interest due to its low maintenance and configuration, high availability and “pay as you go” accessible pricing. Microsoft jumped on the bandwagon by formally launching its own cloud services in 2010, maintaining ever since […]