AI Cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity, or AI cybersecurity, strategically combines AI technologies with cybersecurity systems. This means using AI’s advanced algorithms and data processing capabilities to enhance an organization’s detection, prevention, and response to cyber threats. 

AI can be used in several ways in cybersecurity: data analysis, threat scanning, automation, and event to generate threat reports. It’s also able to speed up responses to incidents. AI is already being used by threat actors, so by using AI, cybersecurity practitioners are able to better protect data and networks against attacks. 

How does Flare use AI in cybersecurity? 

Should AI be used in cybersecurity? 

Whenever AI moves into a new industry, there are often concerns about how the technology will be used and if it will replace humans. The cybersecurity industry is no different. At Flare, however,  we believe that AI is an advantage for cybersecurity practitioners. Threat actors are already using AI. When we use AI for cybersecurity, we are staying one step ahead.

In addition, CISOs routinely cite communication to business leaders in their organization as a challenge, and generative AI can be a tool to concisely outline technical information for non-technical audiences. 

What does Flare’s AI-Powered assistant do? 

Flare’s AI-powered assistant uses generative AI to review vast amounts of information quickly, summarize and translate information in other languages, and explain complex threat events succinctly, in natural language. Analysts can click into an event and receive a quick summary, including the summarized details of the event, and suggestions for remediation. This allows them to make faster security decisions. 

What are the key benefits of the AI-Powered Assistant? 

  • Speed: By leveraging the capabilities of natural language processing, the assistant can analyze data instantly, speeding up the threat assessment process.
  • AI is a force multiplier: We’ve found that many organizations don’t have enough analysts on staff. Flare’s AI-Powered Assistant fills in the gaps in your team by automating event summaries. 
  • Translation: Cyber crime is global. AI can translate and summarize threat alerts in languages you don’t speak. 
  • Threat profiling: Flare’s AI-Powered Assistant is able to analyze a bad actor’s post history, giving your team an overview of that actor’s TTPs.

AI in Cybersecurity: An Overview

In late 2023, generative AI changed the digital world. The launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT tool brought AI to the general public — as well as to bad actors, such as to the cybersecurity industry. Generative AI has opened up a world of possibilities for defenders, empowering small security teams to sift through massive amounts of threat data from all over the world. 

What is generative AI? 

Generative AI is a kind of artificial intelligence designed to generate new content. Unlike traditional AI models, which are trained to recognize patterns in existing data, generative AI uses Large Language Models (LLMs) to create text, images, or audio. LLMs are trained on huge datasets to learn the nuances of language before being fine-tuned for a specific task.

How is AI used in cybersecurity? 

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Cyber threats are constantly changing. Because AI is able to continuously learn and adapt  to new threats, it’s a valuable tool that allows organizations to quickly adjust to new risks and attacks. For example, the ability of AI to analyze massive datasets means AI-driven cybersecurity solutions are able to autonomously detect and mitigate threats.

How do threat actors use AI? 

Hundreds of thousands of credentials for AI language models are for sale on the dark web, and for good reason: AI technologies are just as helpful for threat actors as they are for security practitioners. For example, AI allows criminals to automate the identification of vulnerabilities, improve social engineering tactics, and customize malware so that it goes undetected. Generative AI can also be used by bad actors to create convincing phishing attacks, imitating specific communication styles and tones.

What are the biggest AI trends in cybersecurity? 

One major AI cybersecurity trend is the convergence of AI and threat intelligence which allows for better and more proactive threat detection. AI-driven automation is also a trend, streamlining incident response processes and due diligence (such as reading through vendor security questionnaires) and freeing up human security analysts for more advanced work. 

However, AI is more than a tool; it’s also a target. As AI is used more and more, it’s necessary to make sure it’s secured against attacks from threat actors. 

Why is AI Cybersecurity Important Now? 

As cyber threats become more sophisticated and prevalent, traditional cybersecurity measures often struggle to keep pace. AI cybersecurity uses advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to keep defenders ahead of the curve. And of course, when attackers are using AI, it’s important that security practitioners are also using it.

Is AI a threat to cybersecurity?

Whenever AI is a topic of conversation, there are concerns about jobs being automated. It’s important to remember, however, that AI is a tool. In the hands of attackers, it can be used to breach systems, but in the hands of security leaders, AI is able to scan for threats, analyze information, and free up human workers for higher-order tasks that require creativity and strategic thinking. 

Furthermore, with the global labor shortage and the labor shortage specifically within cybersecurity, it’s unrealistic to expect AI to fill this gap in any material way in the near future.

Is AI the future of cybersecurity? 

AI is undoubtedly part of the future of cybersecurity. Attackers will continue to use it to breach security controls, and defenders will use it to tighten security controls. However, security will always need humans to make high-level decisions and solve problems creatively. 

How does AI improve cybersecurity?

By using algorithms to sift through large amounts of information, AI is able to speed up the response of cybersecurity teams, and see patterns where humans cannot. AI can also automate repetitive processes, streamline operations, and use generative AI to create reports explaining security alerts. As the technology develops, more use cases are bound to emerge, improving cybersecurity even more. 

AI Cybersecurity and Flare 

Flare provides the leading Threat Exposure Management (TEM) solution for organizations. Our technology constantly scans the online world, including the clear & dark web, to discover unknown events, automatically prioritize risks, and deliver actionable intelligence you can use instantly to improve security. Flare’s AI-powered assistant uses generative AI to rapidly synthesize, translate, and contextualize threat alerts so your team can make decisions and act quickly. 

Our solution integrates into your security program in 30 minutes to provide your team with actionable intelligence and automated remediation for high-risk exposure. See it yourself with our free trial.

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